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Fault diagram of APCUPS indicator light

APCUPS power supply may have various indications and troubleshooting methods for different fault conditions. Here are some common faulty indicator lights and their solutions:

1. Battery indicator light flashing or red flashing: This may indicate a low battery or the need for battery replacement. You can try charging the battery or replacing it.

2. Output indicator light off or red flashing: This may indicate an output failure or overload. Check if the devices connected to the power supply exceed the rated load capacity or try reconnecting the devices to resolve the issue.

3. Alarm indicator light flashing or yellow flashing: This indicates a fault or alarm event. Check the power supply's alarm logs or software management tools for more detailed information and take appropriate action accordingly.

4. Inverted triangle indicator light flashing or red flashing: This may indicate a power supply failure or error state. Check the power supply's operational status and perform necessary repairs or replacements as required.

5. Input indicator light flashing or red flashing: This may indicate an input power supply failure or instability. Check the power supply's input power connections and ensure it receives stable power input.

6. Communication indicator light flashing or yellow flashing: This indicates a communication failure with the network management card or remote management feature. Check the network connections and settings, and ensure that the network management card is properly connected to the network.

These are just some common scenarios of faulty indicator lights and their solutions. The specific fault indications and troubleshooting methods may vary depending on the specific model of the APCUPS and the actual situation. It is recommended to refer to the user manual, technical documentation of the APCUPS, or contact the APCUPS technical support team for more detailed and accurate troubleshooting guidance.



Contact: Albert Shu

Phone: 19710409880

Tel: 400-1177-032

Email: 19710409880@139.com

Add: Schneider Electric Building, 6 Wangjing East Road, Chaoyang District, Beijing

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