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The menu of the APC UPS Easy 3M UPS display screen typically includes the following:

The menu of the APC UPS Easy 3M UPS display screen typically includes the following:

1. System Status: Displays the current status of the UPS, such as input voltage, output voltage, load percentage, battery status, etc.

2. Input Settings: Used to configure input power parameters, such as input voltage range, input frequency range, etc.

3. Output Settings: Used to configure output power parameters, such as output voltage range, output frequency range, output voltage adjustment, etc.

4. Battery Settings: Used to configure battery parameters, such as battery type, battery capacity, battery testing, etc.

5. System Settings: Used to configure general settings of the UPS, such as language selection, time settings, alarm settings, communication port settings, etc.

6. Event Log: Displays UPS event records, such as battery testing records, fault records, event logs, etc.

7. Maintenance Settings: Used for performing maintenance operations on the UPS, such as self-test, battery testing, firmware upgrades, etc.

8. Help and About: Provides assistance and information regarding UPS operation and software version.

Please note that the specific menu contents may vary depending on the UPS model, firmware version, or configuration. The listed items above are common menu options in general, but you may encounter slight differences in actual usage.



Contact: Albert Shu

Phone: 19710409880

Tel: 400-1177-032

Email: 19710409880@139.com

Add: Schneider Electric Building, 6 Wangjing East Road, Chaoyang District, Beijing

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